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🇧🇩 The Nexus Between Awami League and India (2 Viewers)

G Bangladesh Defense Forum


Feb 13, 2024

Could you please show me where Hasina had said that China was supporting her to stay in power? Whatever Obaidul Kader said about Indian influence in the election was actually what Hasina had told him to say. No prime minister in the world ever acknowledges foreign help in the election in public.
Exactly, no PM will ever do it , all are from his/her lackeys who are claiming so!

But it's only because, it's very convenient to go with the standard storyline!

I hope you didn't forget the statement of Obaidul Kader against sheikh Hasina, when he was captured after 1/11!

These people are fair weather friends , and Hasina knows it very well!

This thread of @Old School bhai ( source is an article of Manab zamin ) explains the relationship between BNP and India nicely! I've tagged you on that thread!

The article also suggested that what oppositions want! They actually want good relationship with India!

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Feb 13, 2024

@Saif please take a look,

Xi reaffirms close ties with Bangladesh

By Xu Wei | China Daily | Updated: 2024-01-12 07:09

Congratulations sent to Hasina on her reelection as nation's prime minister
China has reaffirmed its commitment to stronger political mutual trust and further alignment in development strategies with Bangladesh, as the reelection of the nation's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for a fourth consecutive term bolstered expectations for elevated bilateral ties.
In a congratulatory message extended to Hasina on Thursday, President Xi Jinping underlined Beijing's readiness to carry forward the traditional friendship with Dhaka, advance the high-quality building of the Belt and Road and keep bringing the bilateral strategic partnership to a higher level.
The Bangladesh Awami League led by Hasina, the current ruling party of the South Asian country, secured a landslide victory during an election held on Sunday.
Hasina, the world's longest-serving incumbent female leader, was sworn in on Thursday along with a new lineup of cabinet ministers.
Premier Li Qiang also sent a congratulatory message to Hasina on Thursday.
In an interview with China Daily, Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen said the congratulatory messages from Chinese leaders "fully showcased Beijing's strong emphasis on the further deepening of its strategic partnership with Dhaka".
Yao noted that Hasina has given priority to building up friendship with China, which was the destination of her first official visit overseas in 1996, the beginning of her first five-year term.
The Bangladeshi leader, who has made six visits to China, has always viewed Beijing as Dhaka's most reliable partner and friend.

The Chinese envoy said that ties between China and Bangladesh have become a model of mutual respect and win-win cooperation between developing nations.
"Our two nations are set to embrace a historic opportunity to further elevate relations next year, which marks the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties," he said.
Lin Minwang, deputy director of the Center for South Asian Studies at Fudan University, said that ties between China and Bangladesh could embrace a new period of positive development with Hasina now securing her fifth term as the leader of the populous nation.
"It will be a significant boost to the Belt and Road cooperation between the two nations, as the Belt and Road Initiative has already spurred the transformation of the nation's infrastructure and improved people's well-being," he said.
Support from Beijing is also crucial for Hasina to advance the nation's drive to build a smart country by 2041, Lin added.
China is Bangladesh's largest trading partner, while Bangladesh is China's third-largest trading partner in South Asia. In 2022, trade between the two countries grew by 10.7 percent year-on-year to $27.79 billion.
Bangladesh was the first South Asian country to join the BRI. According to the Chinese embassy, over 670 Chinese companies now operate in Bangladesh and they have been involved in the construction of seven railways, 12 highways, 21 bridges and 31 power stations.
These projects have created 550,000 job opportunities in Bangladesh and played an important role in its economic development, environmental protection and community services, the embassy said.
Hasina has lauded the BRI for opening a new door of development for Bangladesh.
Yao, the ambassador, said that various sectors in Bangladesh have expressed the belief that the BRI is the vision that is aligned most strongly with the South Asian country's national strategies, including its goal of becoming a middle-income country by 2041 through its Vision 2041.
He underscored Beijing's continuous support for the socioeconomic development of Bangladesh.
"We will fully leverage the complementary advantages of our economies to make Sino-Bangladeshi economic and trade cooperation a benchmark and model for high-quality construction of the BRI," Yao added.
The robust ties between the two nations are built on a strong foundation of public opinion. According to a recent survey conducted by a Bangladeshi think tank, over 90 percent of the respondents believe that the current state of Sino-Bangladeshi relations is positive.
The survey also found there has been a noticeable increase in the approval and friendliness of the Bangladeshi people toward China, and that an increasing number of Bangladeshi citizens are expressing their wish to travel, study and engage in business in China.

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Feb 13, 2024

It's from last year when America was desperate to kick Hasina out!

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen Publishes an Op-ed Titled"BD an important strategic partner of China"

(From Chinese Embassy in Bangladesh)​

2023-08-03 11:57
On August 3, 2023, The Financial Express published an op-ed authored by Ambassador Yao Wen titled BD an important strategic partner of China. The full text of the article is as follows:

Recently, China has released its main economic data for the first half of 2023, which has attracted enormous attention from the international community. According to the data, China's economy has retained its strong resilience, substantial potential, and immense vitality, showing a good momentum of recovery.

With regard to the gross economic growth, China's GDP in the first half of the year grew by 5.5%, which has been notably faster than that of the world's major developed economies, exhibiting strong resilience.

With regard to other indicators, China's economy has also registered a stellar performance.

Market demand gradually recovered. The total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8.2%. The contribution of final consumption expenditure to economic growth reached 77.2%. The national per capita consumption expenditure saw a nominal growth of 8.4%. The investment in fixed assets grew by 3.8%.

Production supply continued to increase. The value added of agriculture witnessed a year-on-year increase of 3.3%. The total output of summer grain ranked the second highest amount in history. The total value added of industrial enterprises above designated size grew by 3.8%, and the value added of services went up by 6.4%. Regarding production, the Chinese economy is now powered mainly by a combination of the service sector and industry.

Production supply continued to increase. The value added of agriculture witnessed a year-on-year increase of 3.3%. The total output of summer grain ranked the second highest amount in history. The total value added of industrial enterprises above designated size grew by 3.8%, and the value added of services went up by 6.4%. Regarding production, the Chinese economy is now powered mainly by a combination of the service sector and industry.

Foreign trade achieved stability and quality improvement. The total value of imports and exports of goods increased by 2.1%, setting a new historical record for the same period. Exports grew by 3.7%. China's imports and exports with countries along the Belt and Road increased by 9.8%.

Employment and people's livelihoods were ensured. The job market has been generally improved. The urban surveyed unemployment rate averaged 5.3%, down by 0.2 percentage point over that of the first quarter. Residents' incomes increased steadily, where the nominal growth of nationwide per capita disposable income was 6.5%.

This outstanding performance not only improves the well being of the Chinese people, but also injects impetus into the world growth. Since the beginning of this year, the world has witnessed a sluggish economic situation and relatively high inflation, and major economies have tightened monetary policies to curb high inflation, which has aggravated the contraction in global demand. In this context, all parties draw close attention to China's economic performance and expect China to provide substantial support to global economic development. We are proud that China has not let the world down. Major international organizations have recently increased their expectations for global economic growth. One of the key reasons behind this is that China has maintained its economic recovery.

good number of projects undertaken by Chinese enterprises will commence construction or be completed. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel, the first section of the Padma Bridge Railway, Bangladesh Greater Dhaka Sustainable Urban Transport Project, and the first section of Dhaka Elevated Expressway will be completed and open to traffic, which significantly improve the traffic efficency in Bangladesh. S.Alam 1320MW Coal Fired Plant and Cox's Bazar 60MW Wind Power Plant will be operated commercially, significantly increase Bangladesh's electricity supply. Rajshahi WASA Surface Water Treatment Plant and the Waste-to-Energy Power Plant in North Dhaka will break ground, effectively improve the livelihood of the local people. It is my conviction that these projects will certainly play important role in facilitating Bangladesh to realize "Vision 2041" and "Sonar Bangla" dream.

China is always a trustworthy partner in Bangladesh's journey towards modernization. China stands ready to keep deepening its strategic partnership with Bangladesh and jointly make contribution to global and regional economic growth.

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Feb 13, 2024

Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong Attends Bangladesh Independence Day Reception​

2024-03-27 10:30​
On March 26, 2024, Vice Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong, upon invitation, attended the Independence Day reception hosted by the Embassy of Bangladesh in China.

Chen Xiaodong expressed congratulations on the 53rd Independence Day of Bangladesh, saying that China and Bangladesh are traditionally friendly neighbors. In August last year, President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, providing important strategic guidance for the development of China-Bangladesh relations. China is willing to work with Bangladesh to implement the important common understandings reached by the leaders of the two countries, continue to deepen political mutual trust, expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and continuously promote the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries to new levels.

Bangladeshi Ambassador to China Md. Jashim Uddin expressed gratitude to China for its consistent respect and support for Bangladesh, saying that China is the largest trade and development partner of Bangladesh and there is enormous potential for cooperation between the two countries. Bangladesh looks forward to accelerating the synergy between the dream of "Golden Bangladesh" and the Belt and Road Initiative with China, expanding cooperation in various fields, and bringing more benefits to the two peoples.



Feb 13, 2024

We definitely have divergent views on Indian/Chinese support for Awami League in the election. So, let's agree to disagree on the subject.
It's not my view . Actually with due respect, I don't have any preconceived view on anything. I just posted some Chinese support for BAL from the statements of Chinese officials, and requested same statements from Indians!

However let's agree to disagree here respectfully! Thanks and best regards! 😊
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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

Bangladesh elections: Why India matters across the border
3 January 2024
By Anbarasan Ethirajan,
BBC News


Sheikh Hasina alongside Narendra Modi in Delhi last year

As Bangladesh gets ready to hold general elections on 7 January, the role of its giant neighbour India is being intensely discussed in the country.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is seeking a fourth consecutive term and her win looks inevitable as the main opposition parties are boycotting the election.

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its allies say they have no faith that Ms Hasina will hold a free and fair election. They asked her to step down and allow the polls to be held under a neutral interim government - demands she rejected.

The Muslim-majority nation of about 170 million people, Bangladesh is almost surrounded on three sides - barring a 271km (168-mile)-long border with Myanmar in the southeast - by India.

For India, Bangladesh is not just a neighbouring country. It's a strategic partner and a close ally, crucial to the security of its north-eastern states.

So, Indian policy makers argue that Delhi needs a friendly regime in Dhaka. Ms Hasina has forged close ties with India since she was first elected in 1996 and it's no secret that Delhi wants to see her return to power.

Ms Hasina has always justified Dhaka's close relationship with Delhi. During a visit to India in 2022, she said Bangladesh should not forget India, its government, people and armed forces as they stood beside the country during the independence war in 1971.

This backing for her Awami League party has triggered sharp criticism from the opposition BNP.

"India should support the people of Bangladesh and not a particular party. Unfortunately, Indian policy makers don't want democracy in Bangladesh," Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, a senior BNP leader told the BBC.

Mr Rizvi said Delhi was "alienating the people of Bangladesh" by openly rooting for Ms Hasina and backing what he called a "dummy election".

An Indian foreign ministry spokesperson refused to comment on the BNP's allegations on Delhi's alleged interference in Bangladesh polls.

"Elections are a domestic matter to Bangladesh. It's for the people of Bangladesh to decide their own future. As a close friend and partner of Bangladesh we would like to see peaceful elections there," the spokesperson said in response to a question by the BBC.

Getty Images Supporters and opponents of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina rally in front of the World Bank on 1 May 2023 in Washington DC.Getty Images
Delhi fears the return of Islamist groups if Sheikh Hasina is voted out.

India is also concerned that the return of BNP and the Jamaat-e-Islami party could pave the way for the return of Islamists in Bangladesh, as it had happened when the coalition was in power between 2001 and 2006.

"They gave rise to so many of these jihadi groups which were used for various purposes, including the 2004 assassination attempt on Ms Hasina and the capture of 10 trucks full of arms that came from Pakistan," Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty, a former Indian High Commissioner in Dhaka told the BBC.

Soon after coming to power in 2009, Ms Hasina also won favour with Delhi after acting against ethnic insurgent groups of India's northeast, some of which were operating from Bangladesh.

India and Bangladesh share close cultural, ethnic and linguistic ties. Delhi played a key role in Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan in 1971 by sending in troops in support of the Bengali Resistance Force.

Dhaka depends on Delhi for the supply of many essential commodities like rice, pulses and vegetables. So, India is influential in Bangladesh from the kitchen to the ballot.

India has also offered more than $7bn Line of Credit to Bangladesh since 2010 for infrastructure and development projects.

Why Bangladesh's election has become a one-woman show Political violence grips Bangladesh as election looms.

But over the decades, there have been irritants in relations ranging from disputes over sharing of water resources to accusations of meddling in each other's internal affairs.

"India has an image problem in Bangladesh. It comes from the perception that Bangladesh is not getting the best of the good neighbour, whether it comes to Delhi's support for the government that possibly doesn't enjoy full democratic legitimacy or in deals where we seek equitable share," Debapriya Bhattacharya, distinguished fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue in Dhaka, told the BBC.

Ms Hasina came to power for a second time in January 2009 and her party has since won two more elections, although there have been accusations of widespread vote-rigging. The Awami League has denied the allegations.

Though India has gained road, river and train access via Bangladesh to transport goods to its north-eastern states, critics say Dhaka is still not able to do full-fledged overland trade with landlocked Nepal and Bhutan across the Indian territory.

India also has other strategic reasons to have a friendly government in Dhaka.

Delhi wants road and river transport access for its seven north-eastern states through Bangladesh.

Now the road and train connectivity from the Indian mainland to its northeast is through the "chicken's neck" - a 20km (12 mile) land corridor that runs between Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan. Officials in Delhi are afraid this stretch is strategically vulnerable in any potential conflict with India's rival, China.

While several Western governments had wanted to impose additional sanctions on Bangladeshi officials over alleged human rights violations and extra-judicial killings, India has been resisting the move calling it counterproductive. More so, since Beijing is keen to extend its footprint in Bangladesh as it battles for regional supremacy with India.

Pool Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping as she arrives for a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on 5 July 2019 in Beijing, ChinaPool

Officials in Delhi fear that Bangladesh could warm up to China if there's a potential conflict with Delhi

"We have conveyed to the West that if you push Ms Hasina, she will go into the Chinese camp, like other countries have done. That will cause a strategic problem with India," the former Indian diplomat, Mr Chakravarty, said. "We can't afford that," he added.

Despite close ties between the two governments there is suspicion among some Bangladeshis when it comes to India.

"I don't think Indians are friendly in all the areas. We are always having a problem with India as we are a Muslim nation," Zamiruddin, a vegetable merchant in Dhaka, said.

"We will have to safeguard ourselves first and then rely on others. Otherwise, we will be in trouble," he added.

While Delhi is concerned about the possibility of an Islamist regrouping, many in Bangladesh are worried about what's happening across the border.

Rights groups say since the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014 in India, discrimination against religious minorities, particularly Muslims, has increased - an allegation the BJP denies.

Indian politicians also talk about alleged infiltration by "Bangladeshi illegal immigrants' - seen as a part reference to Bengali Muslims who live in states like Assam and West Bengal.

"The maltreatment of Indian Muslims creates high potential possibility of maltreatment of the Hindu minorities in Bangladesh," Mr Bhattacharya said.

Hindus constitute nearly 8% of Bangladesh's population.

Delhi is clear that Sheikh Hasina at the helm will suit its interests. But the challenging part will be reaching out to the people of Bangladesh.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

Hasan: Bangladesh-India bond inscribed with blood

Bangladesh will never forget the contribution of India to the country's Liberation War, says Hasan
File photo of Information Minister Hasan Mahmud talking to reporters at the secretariat on Sunday, October 3, 2021 <strong>PID</strong>

File photo of Information Minister Hasan Mahmud talking to reporters at the secretariat on Sunday, October 3, 2021 PID
Publish : 23 Feb 2022, 09:00 PMUpdate : 07 Mar 2022, 01:30 PM

Terming Bangladesh-India relations as historical, Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud on Wednesday said the bonds of the peoples of the two countries are inscribed with blood.

"Bangladesh will never forget the historical contribution of India to the country's great Liberation War and its struggle for independence. It will be written in golden letter in the pages of history," he said.

"The relations between the two countries have reached a new height under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi," he added.

Hasan stated these while inaugurating the second Bangladesh Film Festival at Agartala in Tripura of India.

Bangladesh Assistant High Commission to Agartala organized the festival under the initiative of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry.

Chief Minister of Tripura Biplab Kumar Deb addressed the inaugural function as the chief guest. Information and Cultural Affairs Minister of Tripura Sushanata Chowdhury,

Bangladesh lawmakers Mamtaz Begum and Saimum Sarwar Kamol, Information and Broadcasting Secretary Md Mokbul Hossain, and Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India Nural Islam, addressed the function as special guests while Assistant High Commissioner of Bangladesh to India Arif Mohammad gave the welcome speech.

Hasan said about one crore people took shelter in India during the Liberation War and the then Indian government carried out diplomatic activities in different countries of the world to free Bangabandhu. "We never forget the contribution of India," he added.

Expressing deep gratitude to the people of Tripura and the then government of the state, he said the people of the state had opened the door of Tripura in 1971 and hundreds of refugees took shelter there.

He said, "Our language is same and the culture is also similar though we are people of two countries. Many people of Tripura played a role in our Liberation War and many of them were awarded by the Bangladesh government."

Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary, extended thanks to all of them and their family members.

Chief Minister Biplab Kumar said the people of Bangladesh are walking bravely across the globe due to the dynamic leadership of Bangabandhu's daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The enemies of Bangladesh and India will never succeed due to the farsighted leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Indian Premier Narendra Modi, he added.

He said, "I was born in 1971 when Bangladesh achieved independence besides, Bangladesh will be my first foreign tour as the chief minister."

After the inaugural discussion, the documentary based on Bangladesh's PM's life "Sheikh Hasina: A Daughter's Tale" was screened.

Earlier, Hasan met with the Tripura chief minister at his office. In the bilateral meeting, they discussed the transport system and increasing cultural and trading relations.

Hasan will inaugurate the festival at Guwahati on Thursday.

The minister will also hold a meeting with Assam Chief Minister Hemanta Bishwa Shorma, inaugurate Bangabandhu Center at Bangladesh Assistant High Commission of Guwahati and Indo-Bangla Jamdani exhibition centre at Assam Nepal Temple.

The minister is expected to return home on February 27.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

Bangladesh-India friendship bond written in blood: Mozammel Haque


DHAKA, Aug 19, 2023 (BSS) - Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque today said the friendship and harmony between Bangladesh and India had been written with the letters of blood and the friendship will remain inseparable.

"Bangladesh-India friendship is not just a common friendship rather it is a deep-rooted bond written in blood of about 2,700 Indian soldiers mixed with the soil of Bengal during the great Liberation War", said Mozammel Haque.

The minister was addressing a discussion today at the Kabi Sufia Kamal auditorium of National Museum marking National Mourning Day and 48th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Pranay Verma addressed the programme as special guest while organization's president and war-wounded freedom fighter Md Rashidul, Awami League Advisor council member Mozaffar Hossain Paltu, lawmaker Basanti Chakma, lawmaker Aroma Dutta and organization's general secretary Narayan Saha Moni also addressed, among others.

The vested quarters have been hatching conspiracies to destroy the friendship but no one will be able to materialize their evil plan successful as the bonding is based on blood, Mozammel told the discussion, organised by Bangladesh-India (Bharat) Maitri Samity (Friendship Association).

Regarding America's recent activities ahead of the next national parliament election, the minister said, "There are 21 countries in the world where election is scheduled for this year. But why they (USA) are paying maximum attention to Bangladesh overlooking Pakistan, Afghanistan and many more countries".

They are giving us advice and lessons about democracy whereas their former president Donald Trump during last election said, "If I lose the election, I am not going to accept the result", he said, adding, "How such a nation whose president can talk to teach us democracy, human rights or give advice".

"Why didn't you talk about human rights during the election of Ziaur Rahman and the killing of Bangabandhu on August 15, 1975?... rather the killers have been sheltered in your country... So what is your position? Is it in favor of the murders?" he added.

The minister said, "Self-confessed murderers can never get political asylum in any country. After offering them political shelter, if you talk about human rights in this country, then the people of the world understand how rational it is".

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Pranay Verma said, "Bangabandhu has espoused the ideas of democracy, human rights and social justice. His indomitable spirit, visionary leadership and unwavering dedication to the welfare of his people continue to inspire the generations not just within the border of Bangladesh but beyond it as well".

"We are also expecting reaffirmation and cooperation between India and Bangladesh", he said, adding, "Bangabandhu established relation between India and Bangladesh."

Pranay Verma said, "United by common goals as our shared struggles and sacrifices of our people during the liberation war of 1971 have forced unbreakable bond and mutual respect that will continue to live on".

Today Bangladesh is on the verge of progress and development and India stand with the people of Bangladesh as a steadfast partner and committed to stand together against extremism, intolerance and violence, he added.

"As we honour the memory of Bangabandhu and his sacrifices, we remain committed to working together with Bangladesh in preserving and promoting the legacy and spirit of 1971 that remains the foundation of India-Bangladesh friendship that will be the best tribute that we can ever pay to Bangabandhu and his legacy," he said.

Presidium member of the organization and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs Benjir Ahmed and former ambassador Waliur Rahman also addressed the discussion, conducted by presidium member of the organization Bir Muktijodha Md Abdul Haque.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

Relations With India "Organic", Says Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said relations with India are "beyond a few billions of dollars of trade".

All IndiaPress Trust of IndiaUpdated: July 04, 2019 2:40 am IST


PM Sheikh Hasina says she has tried to position Bangladesh in a balanced manner. (File)

Beijing/Dhaka: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, on a visit to China, has described her country's ties with India and engagements with New Delhi as "organic", saying it is "beyond a few billions of dollars of trade".

Ms Hasina, who addressed the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in the northern Chinese port city of Dalian on Tuesday, said she always believed that despite differences in size and capacity compared to India, Bangladesh can only secure its peace and security through sustainable development and connectivity.

"It is just organic. We have shed blood together for our (Bangladesh) independence," the PM said on Bangladesh-India relations.

On the other hand, Bangladesh's relationship with China is good and "China is our partner in mega projects and economic advancements," Ms Hasina was quoted as saying by the official Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS).

"Our ties with Japan are historic, not just as the largest ODA partner," she said adding, "Russia, another partner who stood by us during our liberation war, is now helping us in our energy security area".

Asked how she maintains friendship with both India and China, Ms Hasina said her government has tried to be balanced and objective in its foreign relations. "In the past 10 years of our government, I have tried to position Bangladesh in a balanced and objective manner with all our friends globally to optimise our economic and development aspirations."

She added that her government always made it clear to all that Bangladesh does not harbour any military ambition as "it is against our values and ethos".

"We amicably delimited our maritime boundary with Myanmar and India. And now, Bangladesh and India are joining hands to uniquely develop our trans-boundary river navigation," she told the WEF meeting.

"We are for a rule-based system. Yes, geo-politics will always be a part of life. But we have to carefully appreciate and balance issues (as) we cannot trade off long-term interests for short-term gains," she added.

Ms Hasina pointed out that a cooperative yet competitive environment among all countries could be the "insurance of their shared prosperity".

"During the past term of my government (2014-18), we engaged and deepened our ties with India, China, Japan, US, Europe, Russia seamlessly," she said.

She said as a fast-growing economy, Bangladesh needs each of our friends for diverse purposes, not certainly at the expenses of another. "Each of our friends has distinct competence and interest as well. As long as our relationships are based on mutual trust and respect, we all gain for our peoples," she said.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

FM: Bangladesh tied to India by blood, to China by economy
Both India and China are Bangladesh's big trading partners
Rummana Foisal NafiuRummana Foisal Nafiu
Publish : 08 Aug 2020, 03:44 PMUpdate : 08 Aug 2020, 03:44 PM


Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Saturday said Bangladesh shares blood ties with India and economic ties with China, but they should not be compared as Bangladesh emphasizes on developing through cooperation and collaboration.

"Bangladesh's relations with India is rock-solid and historic while Bangladesh has economic ties with China. We must not compare," he said emphasizing on joint efforts.

Dr Momen made the remarks after visiting Mujibnagar Muktijoddha Memorial Complex where he paid tributes placing wreaths.

The foreign minister's wife Selina Momen, among others, was present.

Regarding the India-China conflict, the foreign minister said it has nothing to do with Bangladesh and will not affect its relation with the two countries.

Bangladesh is focusing on its own development, said Dr Momen, adding both India and China are Bangladesh's big trading partners and Bangladesh wants more trade benefits from India.

About celebrating Bangladesh's 50 years of independence and India's role in achieving that independence, he said: "Our victory means India's victory. Our development means India's development."

Describing Dhaka-Delhi relations as very strong, he also said that nothing can create problems in the growing relations.

"Recently, China has given permission to bring almost 8,000 products without taxes, which is a big achievement for us," he said, adding that this will not affect the country's relation with India.

Unresolved Issues

The foreign minister said Bangladesh and India resolved major bilateral issues, achieved progress on water sharing issues and other pending issues will also be resolved.

"There are some issues. We will resolve those. Keep faith in us," he said.

Asked about trials of the coronavirus vaccine in Bangladesh, the foreign minister said many countries like India and Pakistan went for collaboration.

"We didn't go for collaboration yet. It's regrettable. We should also go for collaboration," Dr Momen said.

He said a Chinese company is developing a collaboration with the icddr,b which is an institution of 28 countries.

"We have nothing to do with it. Some are trying to make it a political issue. This is purely research," Dr Momen said the government will think of it.

The foreign minister suggested talking to the Health Ministry for details.

He said the government has contributed to the European Union so that Bangladesh gets the vaccine smoothly.

Dr Momen said the vaccine should be distributed in an indiscriminate way and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said it must be made sure that no one is left behind.

Bangabandhu's Killers

The foreign minister reiterated that the government is working to bring back the convicted killers of Bangabandhu, to execute them to implement the court verdict.

"It's our hope," he said adding that one of the killers was executed recently.

The fugitives are - col (dismissed) Khandaker Abdur Rashid, lt col (relieved) Shariful Haque Dalim, maj (retd) Noor Chowdhury, maj (retd) Rashed Chowdhury and Risaldar Moslehuddin Khan. Capt Abdul Majed was hanged recently.

The foreign minister also sought support from Bangladeshi expatriates living in different countries alongside the government's initiative to bring back the remaining five fugitive convicted killers of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and execute the verdict.

One of them is in the United States while another one in Canada, he said.

On November 19, 2009, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court upheld the death penalty of 12 convicted former army officials for the assassination of Bangabandhu and his family members.

Of the fugitives, the government knew the whereabouts of Noor Chowdhury, Rashed Chowdhury and Moslehuddin while it was not sure about the other two fugitives -- Rashid and Dalim.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

BJP invites AL to observe polls situation in India


Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has invited Awami League to observe the overall preparation and campaign taken for the national elections in India.

AL Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan disclosed the information to media through a press release today.

According to the press release, national elections are being held in seven phases in different provinces of India.

The BJP has invited some foreign political parties to show their overall preparation and campaign in this election.

It has invited only AL from Bangladesh, the press release read.

In view of this invitation, AL Information and Research Secretary and Member of Parliament Salim Mahmud has been nominated as a representative by AL president to visit India.

The five-day tour will end on May 5.

During this visit, the AL representative will meet senior BJP leaders.​


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2024

The infamous Indian dalal Obaidul Quader blames BNP for making enmity with India---a country which has made Bangladesh a desert by unilaterally withdrawing waters of common rivers.

BNP harmed country making enmity with India: Quader
Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha . Dhaka 11 May, 2024, 22:27


Obaidul Quader. | File photo.

Awami League general secretary and road transport and bridges minister Obaidul Quader on Saturday said that BNP harmed the country by making enmity with India when the party was in power.

'By making enmity with India, BNP harmed the country. But Awami League government is working to protect the country's interest keeping friendly relations with India,' he told a peace and development rally at Gajnabi Road in the capital's Mohammadpur in the afternoon.

AL's Dhaka city north unit organised the rally.

Quader said, 'We don't want power but friendship (from India). Enmity had harmed us. We don't want to return to that situation anymore. As India is our friend, we have been able to realise many things from the country.'

He said that the people of this country were the source of strength of AL, not any foreign country.

The AL general secretary said that BNP had created suspicion and disbelief in the relations between Bangladesh and India by making enmity with the country.

But prime minister Sheikh Hasina has broken the wall of disbelief, he said.

Quader said that Ganges Water Sharing Treaty was signed during the tenure of prime minister Sheikh Hasina and land boundary dispute with India had also been resolved during her tenure.

Bangladesh won maritime border dispute with India in court during the tenure of AL, he mentioned.

On the other hand, Khlaeda Zia 'forgot' to raise the Ganges water issue before the Indian government when she visited the neigbouring country as the prime minister, he said.

Addressing the rally, AL presidium member Qamrul Islam said that as long as fugitive convict Tarique Rahman would stay in BNP leadership, the party could not go to parliament.

Because of Tarique Rahman, the BNP leaders are suffering from frustration, he said, adding Tarique doesn't want the BNP to go to power.

After failing in waging movement and foiling the elections, BNP is again making evil efforts to create disorder and carry out terrorist activities in the country, Qamrul Islam said.

AL joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif said that there was no scope of government changeover without elections.

Apart from elections, there is no legal way of government changeover, he said, adding the people will not want government changeover in any undemocratic way.

AL presidium members Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Abdur Rahman, organising secretaries BM Mozammel Haque, Mirza Azam and Afjal Hossain, liberation war affairs secretary Mrinal Kanti Das, health affairs secretary Rokeya Sultana, agriculture and cooperative affairs secretary Faridunnahar Laily and office secretary Biplab Barua also addressed the rally, among others.

AL's Dhaka city north unit president Sheikh Bazlur Rahman chaired the rally which was moderated by its general secretary SM Mannan Kachi.​

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