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🇵🇰-Land Indian Troll Farms : A Booming Disinformation Business (2 Viewers)

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🇵🇰-Land Indian Troll Farms : A Booming Disinformation Business (2 Viewers)

G Pakistan Land Forces


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Indians are peddling da notion dat we are fucked beyond belief. Everything’s lost and it’s much too late to salvage it. Yous been defeated psychologically and wes didn’t even have to lift a finger to do it.

Yous all surrender ta us ‘hindu superstar’ 0.00001% ‘Haaryans’ of antiquity from da Shintasta culture in Ukraine……and if yous don’t do it, then yous already accepted defeat!

And don’t forget Irani turani are our forefathers too so wes your ‘Maha Baap’ soohpurr Praan’s / Pyo’s……😝

Just surrender now before we make you do it, cuz the west is our buddy, Rhusshian in our paakitt and so is da Irani turani, cuz he’s our jigrri buddy and he love us 0.000001% bhraymunds and Parsi over yous….😝

Hamaray aagay sijda kar leen sharafat naal or wes goin impose more zakir na-laiq on yous ‘kaafirs’…😝

Itthay dis da truth!

And I forgot to mention that now Indians consider the GCC khotay as part of their sanatan dharma too, cuz da GCC khotay used to worship idols made out of dirt and clay and decorated with dates…..😝

Oh bhaaanchhh….😝
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Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

Would you have a pinpoint of such media promotions?
it is surprising that you did not notice this phenomenon. You need to read regularly Indian news outlets. For example, times of India and other big media outlets . Also many Indian journalists write in Western media. Pakistani media doesn’t cover Imran Khan as much as in Indian media. Many of them are provocative. You will see it yourself. Creating your own newsfeed outside social media helps a lot.


Jan 28, 2024

it is surprising that you did not notice this phenomenon. You need to read regularly Indian news outlets. For example, times of India and other big media outlets . Also many Indian journalists write in Western media. Pakistani media doesn’t cover Imran Khan as much as in Indian media. Many of them are provocative. You will see it yourself. Creating your own newsfeed outside social media helps a lot.

There has been no such pro-Imran Khan narrative from India nor the West that you speak of. The closest India has gotten to being pro - Imran Khan are 1.) Hindustan Time and 2.) Social media trolls who state that 'Imran Khan is a RAW agent' because of the 'civil-like war and polarization' he causes within Pakistan.

In regard to #1, Hindustan Times is a very liberal Indian news outlet and has done its part in speaking out against Narendra Modi and his pro Hindutva policies and in speaking in favor of the oppressed in India. So you cannot really use that as a bargaining tool.

As for #2, most of those trolls are like our Pakistani trolls who see Modi as an ISI agent due to the fact that he exposes India for what it is. Such trolls shouldn't be paid attention to as they do not have a clue of what they talk about.

So, again I ask, where are these pro Imran Khan narratives out of India that you speak of? I do not see any and I do follow these things extensively. If you do have such, please do share, otherwise it is just heresy.

Old School

Senior Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

There has been no such pro-Imran Khan narrative from India nor the West that you speak of. The closest India has gotten to being pro - Imran Khan are 1.) Hindustan Time and 2.) Social media trolls who state that 'Imran Khan is a RAW agent' because of the 'civil-like war and polarization' he causes within Pakistan.

In regard to #1, Hindustan Times is a very liberal Indian news outlet and has done its part in speaking out against Narendra Modi and his pro Hindutva policies and in speaking in favor of the oppressed in India. So you cannot really use that as a bargaining tool.

As for #2, most of those trolls are like our Pakistani trolls who see Modi as an ISI agent due to the fact that he exposes India for what it is. Such trolls shouldn't be paid attention to as they do not have a clue of what they talk about.

So, again I ask, where are these pro Imran Khan narratives out of India that you speak of? I do not see any and I do follow these things extensively. If you do have such, please do share, otherwise it is just heresy.
Everything you wrote is 100% correct. However, there is one small note I would like to ponder. Some governments spend multi-billion dollars to collect information, and they do not make decisions by reading news media. They can see what is overt and covert, which are very different from popular overt and covert versions. They do not tell the media what they see and hear through their own eyes and ears. All they do is take action on their own terms and without warnings.
People get hurt when they underestimate their opponents. People like us discuss things on social media only after they happen, asking why and who did it and often asking for justice.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Sticking to the topic here about Indian troll farms, since there is such an emphasis on keeping focus , for the right reasons…… I will be starting a series of posts outlining all the western and Russian help the Indians have gotten over the last century in key industries, and why they claim to have all this ‘ in-house’ technology that they humiliate us with.

This anomaly needs to be countered with facts because we got to sort this out to expose the Indian propaganda.

The troll farms won’t exist if we expose this supposed Indian technological prowess which they so proudly profess on all the forums.


Pakistan Military Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

In the long scheme of things no. But for those who believe that Israel is a threat, Iran serves as a strong protectorate from Israeli aggression against Pakistan.

The problem with the Iranians is their coziness with the Indians - that's where all their talks of 'peacemaker' break apart.

Israel is not Pakistan's enemy. Pakistan made an enemy of Israel in the name of "ummah." Otherwise Israel has no interest in targeting Pakistan/


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

We seriously need to disassociate ourselves from this toxic Indian society. We’ve been brainwashed into becoming part of this jahil culture. It’s unacceptable and our establishment is unknowingly shoving this nonsense down our throats. Our trash media is all controlled by India now. Not a day goes by where we are not humiliated by the Indians:

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Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Like I say here off n on….the IRGC needs to start pumping money into our media and pull us away from this toxic Indian nasty culture. Irans got the money and the political will/ dogma to actually do this and help us out considering our failed economic situation, before our khotay jharrnail go sit in the lap of modi like MBS and MBZ.


Pakistan Finance Moderator
Mar 23, 2024

Israel is not Pakistan's enemy. Pakistan made an enemy of Israel in the name of "ummah." Otherwise Israel has no interest in targeting Pakistan/
Israel is a hidden enemy of Pakistan, not a open one. But its a very dangerous enemy so Pakistan should never trust Israel and be smart in dealing with them


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Here again this banya with his bobbling head criticizing a typical jahil mulla from our streets. You see how these Indian troll farms, allowed by our shiit-hole ISI, cherry pick not only the content but the jahil patsy as well?

That reporter could’ve interviewed one of us regarding this heart transplant issue no? But the Indian troll farm has free reign to pick n choose our sarrak k jahil for narrative peddling:



Pakistan Military Moderator
Jan 26, 2024

Israel is a hidden enemy of Pakistan, not a open one. But its a very dangerous enemy so Pakistan should never trust Israel and be smart in dealing with them

They only became Pakistan's "enemy" after Pakistan started this "full support sahab" rather than remaining neutral. They should remain that way.


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2024

Once again this person is lying and being fraudulent as usual. No Pakistani wants sharia law in the UK and likewise no North African wants sharia law in France. I’ve never met any Muslim who says that there should be sharia law in any western country. Have you? This is just western propaganda:



Jan 24, 2024

View attachment 4867

For the uninitiated, a troll farm is a group of internet trolls that are either paid by certain groups or formed on their own accord to interfere with political opinions and decision-making. Several European parliament members, IT experts, and officials have flagged India's troll farm race on social media. They have cautioned that social media users in India are unguarded against manipulating digital information by troll armies, creating political and ideological propaganda.
Besides India, the governments of several countries, including China, Brazil, Russia, and the USA, have been accused of building troll farms. Most of these bots operate on meta platforms Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, using barrages of hashtags and propaganda.
In line with the agenda, the European Union (EU) held a session titled 'Taking Stock of India's Information Manipulation Ecosystem'. Think-tank Stichting The London Story hosted the session, and several members of the European Parliament, the European Commission, and experts at the UK's Home Office attended the event.
European Parliament Member Markéta Gregorová moderated the session, which was streamed online. The EU is seeking to build closer collaborations with India.
One of the panelists, Saikat Chatterjee, the chief data analyst of the London Story, stated that experts are investigating the capacity of India's information manipulation ecosystem (that spreads disinformation and hate speech) and its potential impact on democracies around the world.
The session also pointed out that digitization in India comes at the cost of information manipulation for first-time internet users, who are more prone to falling prey to scams and lies.
"We must consider the implications this has and how the largest democracy in the world should navigate digitalization," Gregorová said.
Other panelists included Meta whistleblower Sophie Zhang, Archis Chowdhury (a senior correspondent at BOOM) and doctoral researcher (at King's College London) Vignesh Karthik, and public policy expert Vihang Jumle.
"India is undergoing a troll farm arms race," Zhang warned, stating that neither the government nor the social media platforms, including former employer Meta and Elon Musk's Twitter, are taking the right steps to address the issue. The comment comes at a time when the Indian government is looking to update the IT Rules to curb misinformation. The move entails that the government would regulate social media platforms, who in turn will have to curb the spread of misinformation. However, with several allegations that the government has a troll army (dubbed IT cells), it becomes difficult for social media platforms to separate the grain from the chaff.
Yes Indian internet warriors try to manipulate what wikipedia says. They write lies on wikipedia to confuse the ignorant masses.

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